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Best Management Practices

There has been a dramatic rise of concentrations of salt within our waterways.  Lake Champlain has seen a 30% increase over the past ten years, many local streams exceed levels that could harm Brook Trout populations and sensitive species including sugar maples.

Maintaining safe driving conditions, parking lots and walkways in addition to reducing both costs and the salting of our water bodies can be achieved through utilizing Best Management Practices including, current technology and training.



Recommended Best Management Practices include:


ï‚· Anti-icing; apply product before or just as the storm starts. This prevents or weakens the bond of ice to pavement. By being proactive and not reactive, applicators are able to provide safer surfaces sooner, save money and protect the environment. Studies have shown it costs up to 6 times more to melt ice and snow from the top down then bottom up.


ï‚· Incorporate reduced salt application zones on roads near stream crossings, known vernal pools, wetlands and lakes.


ï‚· Apply product at the recommended vehicle speed, spreaders are most effective at 25 mph.


ï‚· Pre-wet or apply a salt-brine, this is a cost-effective anti-icing technique that sticks to the road surface.


ï‚· Utilize a Road Weather Information System (RWIS) linked to road temperature sensors and on-board monitoring software. By tracking application rates and current real-time weather, applicators can make adjustments and reduce waste.


ï‚· Insure all applicators (both public employees and private contractors) are trained in proper techniques, calibration and environmental risk assessment. States that have implemented successful road salt reduction strategies have made private applicator certification  through legislation.


ï‚· Assess chemical alternatives. Some contain higher levels of phosphorus and potentially can lower the dissolved oxygen within waterways causing anoxic conditions.


ï‚· Insure all applicators have written winter roads management plans that include level of service.


ï‚· Educate drivers to impact their behavior.


The reduction in application of road salt can be achieved without impacting the level of service provided if Best Management Practices are followed. We all would like to see a reduction in costs to our towns and the state, thus a reduction in costs to the public and the increased protection of our natural resources.


Information on Pre-wetting

BMP's for Road Crews

Safe, Sustainable, and Cost Effective…The Power of Brine  
The Lake George Salt Summit 2017
Effective Snow Removal
Lake George Salt Summit 2017

This website, outreach material and conference were funded in part by The Lake Champlain Sea Grant,  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District and this project is supported by funds awarded to the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission in support of the Lake Champlain Basin Program. "The viewpoints expressed here do not necessarily represent those of NEIWPCC, the Lake Champlain Basin  Steering Committee, or GLFC, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or causes constitute endorsement or recommendation for use." 

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. University of Vermont Extension, Burlington, Vermont. University of Vermont Extension, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating, offer education and employment to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status.

© Lake Champlain Watershed Road Salt Reduction Website. Proudly created by the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District with 

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